The Modules for CBSE Class 6 Courses for students

Posted by: Admin   |   10 Apr 2020

CBSE Class 6 courses

Edubull is the online learning platform which helps the students to practice a little extra than what it is taught in their respective schools. CBSE Class 6 courses are one of the most comprehensive and well-compiled modules. This module will benefit the students to understand the various subjects better.

The six modules of Maths will help the students to understand Maths better

There are six modules for Maths in the CBSE Class 6 courses in the Edubull online learning platform. The VI Maths module is a level above the class 5. The same module is available in Hindi as well. Maths Resource I and Maths Resources II teaches the students with exciting tricks and tactics which will help them to love this subject. While Maths Resources III uses an interactive and interesting audio-visual lesson to assist the students in understanding the concept in a simple way.

Five modules of Science will pique the interest of the students

The CBSE Class 6 courses of Science will make the student find this subject interesting. The lectures in VI Science keep the students engaged and interested due to the use of multimedia-based learning tools. The module is replicated in Hindi in VI Science (Hindi). In VI Science Resource I some of the topics like changes around us, Living and non-living things, workforce and gravity are covered. While in VI Science Resource II, various topics of Chemistry, Physics and Biology are taught to the students. VI Science Project teaches the student how to do different science projects.

One module of Hindi in the CBSE Class 6 Course

Edubull, the online learning platform has uploaded one course in CBSE Class 6 courses for the students. The VI Hindi Vyakaran comprises of sixty lectures which cover various grammar topics like visheshan, i.e. the adjectives, kriya, i.e. verb in English, Muhavery, i.e. Idioms with its meaning and how to use the same in a sentence. These are some of the grammatical topics which are covered in Hindi.

One module in English for the loving English Literature

The CBSE Class 6 courses for English has one module. Module VI English Literature Resources has 67 lectures. The literature topics comprise of Who did Patrick’s Homework? A house, A Home, The Quarrel are some of the topics which the students have to read and understand. The module introduces the students to English Literature.

Three modules of Social Science to giving more insight about the subject

The module of VI Social Science Resources teaches the students three subjects, namely Geography, Civics and History. VI Social Science modules make the students aware of various other topics like Diversity in India, Diversity and Discrimination, Urban livelihood. Social Science module will help the students to explore and observe their social and cultural environment.

Five Modules in Sanskrit gives an introduction to the subject

The CBSE class 6 course of Sanskrit gives the introduction to this ancient language of India. VI Sanskrit provides an interactive lesson in Sanskrit. Learn Sanskrit teaches the student the name of the birds, animal, fruits and flowers in Sanskrit. Learn Sandi Sanskrit gives the student the knowledge about different sandhi types and its usage. Sanskrit Lakar teaches Lakar in Sanskrit and how it has to be used in written communication. Sanskrit Shloka teaches the students various Sanskrit Shlokas and its importance.

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