Posted by: Admin | 13 Apr 2020
For students, they must try and explore other platforms which will help the students in taking their knowledge to the next level. Even though students of Class 7 CBSE board are taught well in their school, but at the same time, the students must practice what is taught in the class. For this purpose, Edubull, the online learning platform will help the students a lot. Below is the description of the various CBSE Class 7 courses available in Edubull.
The module of CBSE Class 7 courses in Edubull comprises of four modules. The VII Maths module teaches students the concept of data handling, rational number, practical geometry, rational numbers and many more. The same concepts are taught in Hindi in the VII Maths (Hindi) module. The VII Maths Resources – I and VII Maths Resources – II interestingly illustrates the concepts so that the students understand the topic rather than mug up the topics.
The CBSE Class 7 Courses has six modules, the VII Science module with its 346 covers topics like nutrition in plants, nutrition in animals, Heat, Soil and many such relevant topics. The VII Science (Hindi) helps the students from vernacular medium understand the same topics as mentioned above. VII Science Resources helps the students to build and get clarity over some of the basic concepts of Science. VII Chemistry Resources, VII Physics Resources and VII Biology Resources assist the students in understanding the concept of chemistry, physics, biology, respectively.
The Hindi Vyakaran module of Hindi in the Edubull online platform of CBSE Class 7 courses has 63 lectures in it. The module teaches Hindi grammar to its students. Some of the topics which are taken in this module are just a step advance level than what was taught in the CBSE Class 6 module for Hindi
English in the Edubull online learning platform has one module for the students to get a little more understanding of the language in the CBSE Class 7 Courses. The VII English Grammar Resources teaches the students about Articles, Types of Sentences, Conjunctions, Interjections and all. This module of English Grammar has a total of 27 lectures that students can learn from.
The VII Social Science module gives knowledge to the students about the Mughal Empire, Rulers and Buildings, The Delhi Sultan, understanding media to name a few of the topics. VII Social Science Resources gives a little more knowledge in the subject of Geography, History and Civics. The Social Science Module, with its 60 lectures, gives the students better understanding about the environment, they learn about hydrosphere and lithosphere, also about the structure of the Earth and Inside of the Earth.
One Module of Sanskrit to take a notch up than previous year
The students will be learning Sanskrit for the second year since it was introduced. There is one module for Sanskrit in Edubull the online learning platform. With 161 lectures, the students will learn Sanskrit using various interactive and interesting multimedia.